NEW TALK: Ethics: the 7 big things
There are 7 primary issues that leaders and managers need to understand to ensure they’re up to speed with the primary ethical issues in the workplace and to enable them to effectively manage and improve their organization’s ethics:
1. Your employees already know what’s right and wrong: Ethics is a choice
2. Yes, values are different for different people: The leader’s role
3. What’s the value of an ethical culture and what’s the new ROI?
4. Are your ethics “bragging rights”, a nice-to-have or an optional extra?
5. Ethics needs to move from theory and sound intentions to action
6. Moral temptations are not the same as ethical dilemmas
7. When to follow the leader - and when not to follow the leader
These are the thoughts of Cynthia Schoeman, Managing Director of EthicsMonitor. If you would like to have her address your organisation, click this link.